2008 July --- August
Late August, 2008: First Stop -- Bothell, WA 8)
Brian's last minute need for surgery
delayed our departure for Idaho, but Lake Pleasant RV Park, (aka. "Paradise Park" per my friend, Randy, who
lives in Bothell), was kind enough to put us up until Monday, September 1st.
It's a nice park, very clean
and quiet.

Brian is recovering rapidly, with lots of tender loving care from me and Ritz.
Trial Runs --- Late July, early August, 2008

Finally, after a year of RV repairs and upgrades moving "stuff" around, we hit the road for a few local trips
--- Ocean City, Randle, and Lake Easton. Ocean City, the last weekend of July, was butt cold. We went around in
sweatshirts and windbreakers and could have used the polypropylene if it wasn't in storage. Ritzy liked it.
Deb wrote about our Randle experience. It sucked. The only bright spot was the ham radio station. I played
a bit in the North American CW QSO party and made 60 qso's including a dozen 80 meter contacts out to the Midwest
(not bad for a 12 foot tall antenna).

The last outing was a blast --- Lake Easton State Park. We are REALLY
looking forward to getting in good physical condition. At Easton, we hiked around the lake one day (about 5.5 miles).
The following day we biked the John Wayne Trail in the morning and kayaked in the afternoon. What's not to like?
--- BW
August 1st - 2nd, 2008:
Technically, we haven't started our sojourn, yet, but
we did take this weekend to check out K/M Campgrounds
at their invitation. I am glad it was a free stay, because if we'd had to pay it would have been a great
disappointment. The Maple Grove Resort was supposed to be the company's "Flagship" example, but
if that was the best, I would hate to see the worst.
Unless you like stinky hookups, burned grass, narrow
sites, and dirty facilities -- avoid these folks -- and their SHARP BUSINESS practices! That salesman was an adept
shell game artist, but it is hardly a skill I would be proud to tell others about, if I were him.
They did
have a golf course that Brian enjoyed, and the pool was clean. Those are the only two favorable observations.
The Saga begins.....